Gina Zavota

Gina Zavota is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Kent State University. She has published widely in the areas of 20th and 21st century Continental philosophy, ancient Greek philosophy, and philosophy and art, and she is the co-editor of a five-volume collection of essays entitled Critical Assessments: Edmund Husserl, published by Routledge. In addition, she has translated several German philosophical texts into English. Her current projects include a book on the topic of Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s late ontology, as well as edited volumes on Neoplatonic philosophy and the arts and on contemporary applications of the philosophy of Edmund Husserl.

(2018). A feminist approach to "The Visible and the Invisible" through Karen Barad's agential realism. Acta Structuralica 2, pp. 147-169.

with Barnbaum, D. (2017). Husserl in a new generation: A conference presented by the Department of Philosophy, Kent State University, September 15-17, 2017. Phenomenological Reviews 3, pp. 78.

with Bernet, R. , Welton, D. (eds) (2005). Nexus of phenomena: Intentionality, perception and temporality, Routledge, London.

with Bernet, R. , Welton, D. (eds) (2005). The cutting edge: Phenomenological method, philosophical logic, ontology and philosophy of science, Routledge, London-New York.

with Bernet, R. , Welton, D. (eds) (2005). The web of meaning: Language, noema and subjectivity and intersubjectivity, Routledge, London-New York.