Sara Dellantonio

with Pastore, L. (2017). Internal perception: the role of bodily information in concepts and word mastery, Springer, Dordrecht.

with Pastore, L. (2017). Internal perception: the role of bodily information in concepts and word mastery, Springer, Dordrecht.

with Pastore, L. (2014)., Freedom and moral judgment a cognitive model of permissibility, in L. Magnani (ed.), Model-based reasoning in science and technology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 339-361.

with Job, R. (2010)., Morality according to a cognitive interpretation: a semantic model for moral behavior, in L. Magnani, W. Carnielli & C. Pizzi (eds.), Model-based reasoning in science and technology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 495-517.