Robert E. Butts

(1999). The reception of Kantie scientific philosophy in North America: 1930–1962. In M. C. Galavotti, & A. Pagnini (Eds.). Experience, reality, and scientific explanation (pp. 1-14). Dordrecht: Springer.

(1994). Induction as unification: Kant, Whewell, and recent developments. In P. Parrini (Ed.). Kant and contemporary epistemology (pp. 273-289). Dordrecht: Springer.

(1988). The grammar of reason: Hamann's challenge to Kant. Synthese, 75 (2), 251-283.

with Lennon, T. M. (1988). Introductory note. Synthese, 75 (2), 133-133.

with Hintikka, J. (eds) (1977). Historical and philosophical dimensions of logic, methodology and philosophy of science: part four of the proceedings of the fifth international congress of logic, methodology and philosophy of science, London, ontario, canada-1975. Dordrecht: Springer.

(1972). On Buchdahl's and Palter's papers. In L. White Beck (Ed.). Proceedings of the Third international Kant congress (pp. 188-199). Dordrecht: Springer.

(1959-60). Husserl's critique of Hume's notion of "distinctions of reason". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 20, 213-221.

(1957). Husserl's criticisms of Hume's theory of knowledge. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.