Thomas Uebel

(1991). Arbeit am "Unterbau" der wissenschaftlichen Weltauffassung. Grazer Philosophische Studien, 41, 235-244.

(1992). Rational reconstruction as elucidation?: Carnap in the early protocol sentence debate. Synthese, 93 (1-2), 107-140.

(1993). Richard Creath (ed.), The Quine-Carnap correspondence and related work [Review of the book , by ]. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook , 251-254.

(1993). Wilhelm Neurath's opposition to "materialist" Darwinism. In F. Stadler (ed.) Scientific philosophy (pp. 209-228). Dordrecht: Springer.

(1994). The positivism dispute revisited. In H. Pauer Studer (ed.) Norms, values, and society (pp. 323-329). Dordrecht: Springer.

(1995). Otto Neurath's idealist inheritance. Synthese, 103 (1), 87-121.

(1995). Physicalism in Wittgenstein and the Vienna circle. In K. Gavroglu, J. Stachel & M. W. Wartofsky (eds.) Physics, philosophy, and the scientific community (pp. 327-356). Dordrecht: Springer.

(1995). Thomas Oberdan, Protocols, truth and convention [Review of the book , by ]. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook , 310-313.

(1997). From the Duhem thesis to the Neurath principle. In K. Lehrer & J. C. Marek (eds.) Austrian philosophy past and present (pp. 87-100). Dordrecht: Kluwer.

(2002). The poverty of "constructivist" history (and policy advice). In M. Heidelberger & F. Stadler (eds.) History of philosophy of science (pp. 379-389). Dordrecht: Springer.

with Ferrari Massimo (2002). Vernunftkritik und Wissenschaft: Otto Neurath und der erste Wiener Kreis. In M. Heidelberger & F. Stadler (Hrsg.) History of philosophy of science (pp. 391-396). Dordrecht: Springer.

(2005). Social science in the framework of physicalist encyclopedism: some anti-reductionist concerns allayed. In E. Nemeth & N. Roudet (eds.) Paris — Wien (pp. 221-239). Dordrecht: Springer.

with Nemeth Elisabeth, Schmitz Stefan W (2007). Introduction. In E. Nemeth, S. W. Schmitz & T. Uebel (eds.) Otto Neurath's economics in context (pp. 3-11). Dordrecht: Springer.

(2007). Otto Neurath as an Austrian economist: behind the scenes of the early socialist calculation debate. In E. Nemeth, S. W. Schmitz & T. Uebel (eds.) Otto Neurath's economics in context (pp. 37-59). Dordrecht: Springer.

with Nemeth Elisabeth, Schmitz Stefan W (eds) (2007). Otto Neurath's economics in context. Dordrecht: Springer.

(2010). Carnap and the perils of ramseyfication. In M. Surez, M. Dorato & M. Rédei (eds.) Epsa epistemology and methodology of science (pp. 299-310). Dordrecht: Springer.

(2010). Opposition to verstehen in orthodox logical empiricism. In U. Feest (ed.) Historical perspectives on Erklären and Verstehen (pp. 291-309). Dordrecht: Springer.

(2010). Some remarks on current history of analytical philosophy of science. In F. Stadler (ed.) The present situation in the philosophy of science (pp. 13-27). Dordrecht: Springer.

(2010). The nature and status of scientific metatheory: the debate between Otto Neurath and Åke Petzäll. In J. Manninen & F. Stadler (eds.) The Vienna circle in the Nordic countries (pp. 181-201). Dordrecht: Springer.

with Dieks Dennis, Hartmann Stephan, Weber Marcel, González Wenceslao J. (eds) (2011). Explanation, prediction, and confirmation. Dordrecht: Springer.

(2012). But is it sociology of knowledge?: Wilhelm Jerusalem's "sociology of cognition" in context. Studies in East European Thought, 64 (1-2), 5-37.

(2012). Carnap, philosophy and "politics in its broadest sense". In R. Creath (ed.) Rudolf Carnap and the legacy of logical empiricism (pp. 133-148). Dordrecht: Springer.

with Andersen Hanne, Dieks Dennis, González Wenceslao J., Wheeler Gregory (eds) (2013). New challenges to philosophy of science. Dordrecht: Springer.

(2014). Carnap's Aufbau and physicalism: what does the "mutual reducibility" of psychological and physical objects amount to?. In M. C. Galavotti, E. Nemeth & F. Stadler (eds.) European philosophy of science (pp. 45-56). Dordrecht: Springer.

(2014). European pragmatism? further thoughts on the German and austrian reception of American pragmatism. In D. Dieks, S. Hartmann, T. Uebel, M. Weber & M. C. Galavotti (eds.) New directions in the philosophy of science (pp. 627-643). Dordrecht: Springer.

with Dieks Dennis, Hartmann Stephan, Weber Marcel, Galavotti Maria Carla (eds) (2014). New directions in the philosophy of science. Dordrecht: Springer.

(2016). Neurath's influence on Carnap's aufbau. In C. Damböck (ed.) Influences on the Aufbau (pp. 51-75). Dordrecht: Springer.

with Koterski Artur (2017). Poznański and Wundheiler's "The concept of truth in physics": the lvov-warsaw school Contribution to encyclopedism. In A. Broek, F. Stadler & J. Woleński (eds.) The significance of the Lvov-Warsaw school in the European culture (pp. 291-307). Dordrecht: Springer.

(2017). American pragmatism, Central-European pragmatism and the first Vienna circle. In F. Stadler, N. Weidtmann & S. Pihlström (eds.) Logical empiricism and pragmatism (pp. 83-102). Dordrecht: Springer.

(2017). Values, facts and methodologies: a case study in philosophy of economics. In F. Stadler (ed.) Integrated history and philosophy of science (pp. 93-107). Dordrecht: Springer.

(2019). Rationality and pseudo-rationality in political economy: Neurath, Mises,Weber. In J. Cat & A. Tuboly (eds.) Neurath reconsidered (pp. 197-215). Dordrecht: Springer.