George Heffernan
XA study in the sedimented origins of evidence: Husserl and his contemporaries engaged in a collective essay in the phenomenology and psychology of epistemic justification
Husserl Studies 16/2

Miscellaneous lucubrations on Husserl's answer to the question "was die evidenz sei': a contribution to the phenomenology of evidence on the occasion of the publication of Husserliana volume xxx
Husserl Studies 15/1

An essay in epistemic kuklophobia: Husserl's critique of Descartes' conception of evidence
Husserl Studies 13/2

Das Bewußtsein vom Anderen: Zum Problem der Fragestellung in der V Cartesianischen Meditation Husserls
in: Bewußtsein und Zeitlichkeit, Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann

with Busche Hubertus, Lohmar Dieter (ed)
Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann