
Antonio Aliotta


Prominent Italian philosopher, historian of philosophy. A student of the Brentanians Felice Tocco and Francesco De Sarlo in Florence, he graduated in 1903 with a thesis in experimental psychology. With his "dynamic pantheism" - an anti-positivist, neo-hegelian epistemology exposed in his most famous work, "The Idealist Reaction Against Science" (1912) - he put provided an idealist alternative to the dominant positions of Croce and Gentile in Italy. Founder of the Italian version of "Logos". His later, post-war approach to epistemology, which he refers to as his "experimentalism", traces a path between pragmatism and spiritualism.

(1947). Il sacrificio come significato del mondo. Roma: Perrella.

(1934). La razionalità come processo e la libertà del volere. Der russische Gedanke, Erg. (3), 1-3.

(1930). Dell’ esperimento scientifico e di quello metafisico. Der russische Gedanke, Erg. (1), 1-15.

(1920). L'"estetica" del Croce e la crisi dell'idealismo moderno. Napoli: Perrella.

(1914). The idealistic reaction against science (A. Mccaskill, Trans.). London: MacMillan. (Original work published 1912)

(1912). La reazione idealistica contro la scienza. Palermo: Optima.