Experimental investigation of decoherence
Jean-Michel Raimond
Probing subatomic structure
Brigitte Falkenburg
The pilot wave theory of Louis de Broglie and David Bohm
Franck Laloë
Measurement and the unity of physics
The pilot-wave theory
Metamorphoses of the particle concept
The relational interpretation of quantum mechanics and the EPR paradox
Matteo Smerlak
Wave-particle duality
The theory of measurement
Roger Balian
Subatomic reality
Loop quantum gravity
Carlo Rovelli
Richard T. W. Arthur, W. Brian Arthur
Some remarks on the hard core of soft sciences
Maurice Godelier
Scientific realism
Howard Sankey
Objective facts, subjective experiences, and neuronal constructs
Holk Cruse
The problem of time in classical philosophy
Defense of a modest scientific realism
Alan Sokal, Jean Bricmont
Hans J. Pirner
Modern objections to time's passage
On social constructivist accounts of the natural sciences
Barry Barnes
Evidence for the indefinite
Classical physics and becoming
The mote and the beam
Jean-Marc Lévy-Leblond
Approaching the definite
Special relativity and the lapse of time
Science wars?
Jochen Hoock
Establishing the definite from the indefinite
Relativity and the present
Time in general relativity
Martin Carrier , Johannes Roggenhofer, Günter Küppers, Philippe Blanchard
The unknown as an engine of science
Becoming in quantum theory
Experimental success and the revelation of reality
Martin Carrier
Scientific objectivity with a human face
Holm Tetens
True is what is considered true
Günter Küppers
Neither modernist nor postmodernist
Mara Beller
Extending physical reality
Evidence, logic and moral authority
Georg Elwert
The inescapable strangeness of the quantum world
Édouard Brézin
Particle observation and measurement
From science wars to science worries
Johannes Roggenhofer