We-experience—with Walther
Vol. 1
Hans Bernhard Schmid, Xiaoxi Wu
Starting from Husserl
Alice Togni
The ontic–ontological aspects of social life
Anna Jani
The reinstatement of the phenomenon
Manuela Massa
From collectives to groups
Gerhard Thonhauser
Women as zoa politica or why there could never be a women's party
Maria Robaszkiewicz
Do we-experiences require an intentional object?
Sebastian Luft
Gerda Walther between the phenomenology of mystics and the ontology of communities
Anna Piazza
Meaning of individuals within communities
Julia Mühl
Edith Stein and Gerda Walther
Antonio Calcagno
Edith Stein on social ontology and the constitution of individual moral identity
William Tullius
The phenomenology of shared emotions
Thomas Szanto
The role of the intellectual in the social organism
Martina Galvani
Simone de Beauvoir on sexual difference
Sara Heinämaa
Ontology is social
Anna Schaupp
Essence, abyss, and self
Ronny Miron
What is the condition for the members of social communities to be "real" people according to Gerda Walther
Vol. 2
Phenomenology of mysticism
Gerda Walther
Körper, Leib, Gemüt, Seele, Geist
Christina M. Gschwandtner
Gerda Walther (1897-1977)
Rodney Parker
Phenomenological approaches to the uncanny and the divine
Kimberly Baltzer-Jaray
The sense of mystical experience according to Gerda Walther
Angela Ales Bello
Maria Pia Pellegrino
On community
Anna Maria Pezzella
Human beings as social beings
Gerda Walther and the possibility of a non-intentional We of community
Social acts and communities
Alessandro Salice, Genki Uemura