David Makinson

with Alchourrón, C. E. , Gärdenfors, P. , 2016, On the logic of theory change: partial meet contraction and revision functions, in H. Arló-Costa, V. F. Hendricks & J. Van Benthem (eds.), Readings in formal epistemology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 195-217.

, 2015, Lossy inference rules and their bounds: a brief review, in A. Koslow & A. Buchsbaum (eds.), The road to universal logic I, Basel, Birkhäuser, pp. 385-407.

, 2012, 'Logical questions behind the lottery and preface paradoxes: lossy rules for uncertain inference', Synthese 186 (2), 511-529.

with Malinowski, J. , Wansing, H. , 2009, From logic to mathematical philosophy, in D. Makinson, J. Malinowski & H. Wansing (eds.), Towards mathematical philosophy, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 1-7.

with Malinowski, J. , Wansing, H. (eds) , 2009a, Towards mathematical philosophy: papers from the Studia logica conference Trends in logic IV, Springer, Dordrecht.