Bart Gremmen

, 2002, Methodological pragmatism in bioethics: a modest proposal?, in J. Keulartz, M. Korthals, M. Schermer & T. Swierstra (eds.), Pragmatist ethics for a technological culture, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 99-103.

, 1999, The justification of the application of science, in O. Kiss (ed.), Hermeneutics and science, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 315-323.

with Jacobs, J. , 1997a, 'Understanding sustainability', Man and World 30 (3), 315-327.

with Jacobs, J. , 1997b, Understanding sustainability, in R. P. Crease (ed.), Hermeneutics and the natural sciences, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 57-69.