(1995) Synthese 105 (3).

Akinetopsia, achromatopsia and blindsight

recent studies on perception without awareness

Lucia Vaina

pp. 253-271

The neural substrate of early visual processing in the macaque is used as a framework to discuss recent progress towards a precise anatomical localization and understanding of the functional implications of the syndromes of blindsight, achromatopsia and akinetopsia in humans. This review is mainly concerned with how these syndromes support the principles of organization of the visual system into parallel pathways and the functional hierarchy of visual mechanisms.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1007/BF01063559

Full citation:

Vaina, L. (1995). Akinetopsia, achromatopsia and blindsight: recent studies on perception without awareness. Synthese 105 (3), pp. 253-271.