(1999) Synthese 120 (2).

Language without linguistics

Justin Leiber

pp. 193-211

Though Mr. Lin purports to attack “Chomsky's view of language” and to defend the “common sense view of language”, he in fact attacks “views” that are basic and common to linguists, psycholinguists, and developmental psychologists. Indeed, though he cites W. V. O. Quine, L. Wittgenstein, and J. L. Austin in his support, they all sharply part company from his views, Austin particularly. Lin's views are not common sense but a set of scholarly and philological prejudices that linguistics disparaged from its inception as an organized science a hundred years ago.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1023/A:1005211514525

Full citation:

Leiber, J. (1999). Language without linguistics. Synthese 120 (2), pp. 193-211.