Springer, Dordrecht


504 Pages

ISBN 978-94-010-3534-7

Philosophy, religion, and the coming world civilization

essays in honor of William Ernest Hocking

Edited by

Leroy Rouner

Gabriel Marcel reminds me that I asked him to write for this book. This is quite true, but not the whole story. During the visit with Ernest Hocking which he describes so eloquently in his essay, "Solips­ ism Surmounted," he learned from Hocking's hostess, Elizabeth Hazard, that I was planning hopefully for a Hocking F estschri/t. On his return to Harvard, where he was preparing his James Lectures, he wrote me offering an essay should these plans develop. Encouraged, Ikept his letter while I moved my family to India and settled into a new job. When it was possible to begin work on the book in earnest I then made my request, reminding him of his original offer. I mention this because I discovered that his enthusiasm was to be typical of those who came to know about the project. Charles Moore commented that such a book was "long overdue," and Walter Stace spoke for us all when he said: "I am sure that there is no one in our profession who would not wish to be associated with any project in his honor. " Given the wide range of Hocking's interests and influence, it was difficult to know just how the volume should be organized.

Publication details

Full citation:

Rouner, L. (ed) (1966). Philosophy, religion, and the coming world civilization: essays in honor of William Ernest Hocking, Springer, Dordrecht.

Table of Contents

The making of a philosopher

Rouner Leroy


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Solipsism surmounted

Marcel Gabriel


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Idealism and our experience of nature

Hartshorne Charles


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Preface to privacy

Williams Donald


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Werner Frederick


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The problem of evil

Stace Walter


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Is the self an ultimate category?

Smith John E.


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Existence and the life-world

Farber Marvin


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Word versus deed in plato

Demos Raphael


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A half-century of Hocking's reflection

Van Dusen H. P.


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Empiricism in religious philosophy

Nelson Wieman Henry


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Tambaram twenty-five years after

Horton Walter


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Problems of religious liberty

Bates Searle


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Fellowship of the spirit

Radhakrishnan S.


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Valid materialism

Smith Huston


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It is time to remind the West

Malik Charles


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History and the absolute

Hocking William Ernest


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