Sergei Hessen, neo-kantian

dedicated to professor Andrzej Walicki

Marek Styczyński

pp. 55-71

This paper commemorates thepresentation of the honorary doctorate, in May2001 by the University of Łódź, toProfessor Andrzej Walicki. On this occasion,the Honorary Graduate delivered a lecturedevoted to his first philosophy teacher –Sergej Iosifovich Hessen, a prominent RussianNeo-Kantian philosopher and a liberal inmatters social and political. I try to analyzethe main features of Hessen's philosophicalneo-Kantianism, in particular the inevitabilityof a choice between the absolute and therelative both in epistemology and in ethics inthe context of contemporary philosophy.

Publication details

DOI: 10.1023/B:SOVI.0000007365.04004.5b

Full citation:

Styczyński, M. (2004). Sergei Hessen, neo-kantian: dedicated to professor Andrzej Walicki. Studies in East European Thought 56 (1), pp. 55-71.