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(2009) Studies in East European Thought 61 (4).
The European university at St. Petersburg
a case study in sociology of post-Soviet knowledge
Oleg Zhuravlev , Daneil Kondov , Natalia Savel'eva
pp. 291-
The article presents results of an ongoing study of centers of intellectual innovations in post-Soviet Russia. Using the European University at St. Petersburg as the main object of their analysis, the authors demonstrate how new models of academic careers, which became available in the 1980s and 1990s, were eventually institutionalized as new models of knowledge production and educational practices. Supported by American foundations, this private university had to invent a new institutional structure and to position itself within the field of higher education, still mostly dominated by the state.
Publication details
DOI: 10.1007/s11212-009-9091-1
Full citation:
Zhuravlev, O. , Kondov, D. , Savel'eva, N. (2009). The European university at St. Petersburg: a case study in sociology of post-Soviet knowledge. Studies in East European Thought 61 (4), pp. 291-.
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