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(2004) Studies in East European Thought 56 (2-3).
I identify the main underlyingcomponents of Losev's philosophy(phenomenology, Neo-Kantianism, symbolism,onomatodoxy/imjaslavie) and undertake acomparative analysis of their similarities (theprinciple of the priority of pure sense) anddistinctive features (i.e., whether logic andnatural language are accompanied by an eideticlevel of pure sense, and whether the principleof correlation or of expression is dominant).On this basis I define the pivotal concept ofLosev's radical project as ``eidetic language.''The general contours of Losev's radical projectand its neglected potential for the philosophyof language are described by means of ananalysis of the relationship between eideticlanguage and logic, dialectics, myth, naturallanguage, and exterior ``reality'' (in the worldof ``referents'').
Publication details
DOI: 10.1023/B:SOVI.0000021886.80892.b3
Full citation:
Gogotišvili, L. (2004). A. F. Losev's radical lingua-philosophical project. Studies in East European Thought 56 (2-3), pp. 119-142.
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