Małgorzata Hołda

, 2021, On beauty and being: Hans-Georg Gadamer’s and Virginia Woolf’s hermeneutics of the beautiful, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main.

, 2020a, 'Narrative, insecure equllibrium and the imperative to understand: a hermeneutics of woundedness', Text Matters 11, 279-298.

, 2020b, 'The welcoming gesture of hermeneutics: in conversation with Andrzej Wierciński's "Existentia Hermeneutica"', Phainomena 29 (112-113), 335-367.

, 2018, Paul Ricoeur's concept of subjectivity and the postmodern claim of the death of the subject, Ignatianum University Press, Kraków.

, 2016a, 'The intersections between Paul Ricoeur's narrative identity and Mikhail Bakhtin's polyphony of speech', Forum Philosophicum 21 (1), 225-247.