Harri Veivo

, 2015, 'Review of Narrative by Paul Cobley', Sign systems studies 43 (1), 150-152.

, 2012, 'The city as a mediating device and as a symbol in Finnish poetry of the 1960s', Sign systems studies 40 (3-4), 514-527.

, 2008a, 'Authors on the outskirts: writing projects and (sub)urban space in contemporary French literature', Knowledge, Technology & Policy 21 (3), 131-141.

, 2008b, 'Barthes's positive theory of the author', Sign systems studies 36 (1), 31-47.

, 2008c, 'Introduction: Barthes's relevance today', Sign systems studies 36 (1), 7-10.

, 2008d, 'Положительная теория автора у Барта. Резюме', Sign systems studies 36 (1), 47-48.