Bennetta Jules-Rosette

, 1990, 'Semiotics and cultural diversity: entering the 1990s', The American Journal of Semiotics 7 (1-2), 5-26.

, 1989, 'Expression and aesthetics in science and art: ethnography as discursive sabotage', The American Journal of Semiotics 6 (1), 37-55.

, 1986, '"You must be joking": a sociosemiotic analysis of "ethiopian" jokes', The American Journal of Semiotics 4 (1-2), 17-42.

, 1980, 'Talcott Parsons and the phenomenological tradition in sociology: an unresolved debate', Human Studies 3 (1), 311-330.

, 1978a, 'The politics of paradigms: contrasting theories of consciousness and society', Human Studies 1 (1), 92-110.