Martina Ferrari

, 2018a, 'Paradoxical beginnings: reading Judith Butler's Senses of the subject', Chiasmi International 19, 475-484.

, 2018b, 'Poietic transspatiality: Merleau-Ponty, normativity, and the latent sens of nature', Chiasmi International 20, 385-401.

with Fitzpatrick, D. , McLay, S. , Hayes, S. , Jenssen Rathe, K. , Zimmer, A. , 2018, 'Editors' introduction: reflections on the first issue', Puncta: Journal of Critical Phenomenology 1 (1), 1-7.

with Fitzpatrick, D. , McLay, S. , Hayes, S. , Jenssen Rathe, K. (eds) , 2018, Puncta: Journal of Critical Phenomenology 1 (1).

, 2017a, 'An-archic past: rethinking negativity with Bergson', Symposium 21 (2), 230-249.

, 2017b, 'The immemorial time of gender: Merleau-Ponty's polymorphic matrix of original past', Chiasmi International 18, 261-274.