Luciano Boi

with Lobo, C. (eds) , 2022, When form becomes substance: power of gestures, diagrammatical intuition and phenomenology of space, Birkhäuser, Basel.

, 2013, 'Réflexions épistémologiques à propos de la perception spatiale', Metodo 1 (1), 1-25.

, 2009, Creating the physical world ex nihilo?: on the quantum vacuum and its fluctuations, in E. Carafoli, G. Antonio Danieli & G. Longo (eds.), The two cultures, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 51-97.

, 2007, Phénoménologie et méréologie de la perception spatiale, de Husserl aux théoriciens de la Gestalt, in L. Boi, P. Kerszberg & F. Patras (eds.), Rediscovering phenomenology, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 33-66.

with Kerszberg, P. , Patras, F. (eds) , 2007, Rediscovering phenomenology: phenomenological essays on mathematical beings, physical reality, perception and consciousness, Springer, Dordrecht.

, 2004a, 'Questions regarding Husserlian geometry and phenomenology: a study of the concept of manifold and spatial perception', Husserl Studies 20 (3), 207-267.

, 2004b, 'Theories of space-time in modern physics', Synthese 139 (3), 429-489.

, 1992, L'Espace: concept abstrait et/ou physique ; la géométrie entre formalisation mathématique et étude de la nature, in L. Boi, D. Flament & J. Salanskis (éds), 1830–1930: a century of geometry, Dordrecht, Springer, pp. 63-90.

with Flament, D. , Salanskis, J.-M. (eds) , 1992a, 1830–1930: a century of geometry: epistemology, history and mathematics, Springer, Dordrecht.