In my presentation, I will address the relationship between history and the work of art starting from Heidegger’s The Origin of the Work of Art. According to Heidegger, truth occurs in the work of art, and “this happening is, in many different ways, historical” (emphasis added). Heidegger understands the being of the work of art as a strife between world and earth. Starting from here, the middle term through which I will connect history and the work of art is conflict. Drawing on Bernhard Waldenfels’ contributions to the relationship between order and disorder, I aim to show that there are two types of conflict that need to be considered: The conflict between world and earth within the work of art, and the conflict between different truths that are disclosed through different works of art. Thus, my presentation consists of three main parts. As an introduction, (i) I will examine the inherent conflict that every image presupposes according to Husserl, then (ii) I will examine the peculiar dynamic between world and earth in the work of art as developed by Heidegger, while, in the final part, (iii) I will explore how the occurrence of truth in the work of art is a form of violence that is different from the strife between world and earth, which can be understood through Walter Benjamin’s notion of mythical violence.