A history of political theory
Vol. 8/1-2
Franz Neumann
Contemporary social problems
Vol. 9/1
Der Funklionswandel des Gesetzes im Recht der Bürgerlichen Gesellschaft
Vol. 6/3
Die ewige Wiederkehr des Naturrechts
Vol. 6/2
Government in the Third Reich
Grundfragen der Rechtsauffasung
Vol. 7/3
Ideas for the Ice Age
Vol. 9/3
It is later than you think
Knowledge for what?
Vol. 8/3
Neutrality, its history, economics and law
Vol. 7/1-2
Strikes: a study in quantitative economics
Vol. 9/2
The commerce clause, under Marshall, Taney and Waite
The law in quest of itself
The works of Gerrard Winstanley, with an appendix of documents relating to the Digger Movement
Types of natural law
Under the axe of fascism
Vol. 6/1
Wesensschau und konkretes Ordnungsdenken im Strafrecht
Writings and speeches of Oliver Cromwell